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Free in-person training events to mark Privacy Awareness Week 2024

Privacy Awareness Week 2024 will run from May 6-10. Organized by the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA), PAW aims to raise awareness on privacy issues and the importance of protecting personal information. This year's theme is "Privacy and technology: Improving transparency, accountability, and security."

To celebrate PAW 2024, the OIPC is offering free in-person training sessions on BC’s public and private sector privacy and access laws. Separate sessions will be held to educate public bodies on their obligations under BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), and private sector organizations about the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) in April and May in Vancouver, Victoria and Kamloops.

For 30 years, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for BC has provided independent oversight of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), BC’s public sector legislation that establishes an individual’s right to access records and sets out terms under which a public body can collect, use, and disclose the personal information of individuals.

On February 1, 2023, amendments to FIPPA came into force requiring public bodies to develop privacy management programs and report privacy breaches that could be expected to result in serious harm.

In these 2.5 hour in-person sessions, experts from the OIPC will guide public bodies of all sizes through their obligations under FIPPA, and how these requirements affect them.

The sessions will include information on:

  • Intro to OIPC and FIPPA fundamentals: A refresher on the Act, its aims, and the OIPC’s role in enforcing the legislation and supporting public bodies in complying with the legislation.
  • Privacy breaches: What constitutes serious harm? What steps should public bodies take in the event of a privacy breach?
  • Privacy management programs: We’ll look at the requirements for PMPs and some important considerations for public bodies to keep in mind when developing them.
  • Privacy impact assessments: PIAs are also mandatory under the new legislation. We’ll provide resources and guidance on these important tools to assessing and mitigating privacy risks before an initiative is launched.

Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions and participate in discussions.

The sessions will be eligible for IAPP and law society continuing education credits.

When: April 29, 9:30am-12pm
Where: BC Hydro

When: May 7, 9:30am-12pm
Where: St. Ann’s Academy

When: May 22, 9:30am-12pm
Where: Thompson Rivers University


BC’s Personal Information Protection Act sets out the rules for how private sector and not-for-profit organizations may collect, use, or disclose personal information. These training sessions aim to educate organizations on their obligations under the act, including a focus on:

  • Intro to OIPC and PIPA basics
  • What is personal information?
  • Privacy management program essentials
  • Developing privacy policies
  • Understanding consent
  • Limiting collection, use and disclosure
  • Security considerations
  • Dealing with privacy breaches

The presentations will be 2.5 hours in length and include time for participants to ask questions.

The sessions will be eligible for IAPP and law society continuing education credits.

When: April 29, 1pm-3:30pm
Where: BC Hydro

When: May 8, 9:30am-12pm
Where: St. Ann’s Academy

Kamloops - Presentation cancelled
When: May 23, 9:30am-12pm
Where: Thompson Rivers University

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