Requests for disclosures for health research

Request to Disclose Personal Information for the Purpose of Contacting Individuals to Participate in Health Research

Purpose of the form: This form must be completed and submitted to the Commissioner for review every time a public body is seeking the Commissioner’s authorization under FIPPA s. 33(3)(h)(ii)(B) to disclose personal information for the purposes of contacting individuals to participate in research related to health issues.

Steps for this form:

  1. Download and fill out the PDF form here: (Note: This is a fillable PDF that can be saved locally).
  2. Submit your completed form to with the email subject heading: “OIPC health research request” – please make sure to complete the document checklist at the end of the form before sending.
  3. The OIPC will send you a confirmation email containing a link to upload the additional required documents.
  4. After receiving the additional documents, the OIPC will provide an update on the remainder of the process by email.
  5. The OIPC will review the request and contact you with a decision.